We believe in the Bible!
We believe it is the inspired written word of God and as such, it is the sole authority for our beliefs and practices.
Our members profess a belief in Jesus as Savior and Lord. If you are interested in learning more about church membership, please contact the CSBC office.
Baptist Faith and Message 1998 (pdf)
DownloadWe believe…
1. That God designed the marital relationship to be between one man and one woman for as long as both are alive. (Malachi 2: 14-16; Matthew 19:4-5)
2. That God designed marriage to be an exclusive covenant relationship between the man, the woman and God. (Genesis 2:18-24; Matthew 19:6)
3. That God intends the marital relationship to be led by His Spirit so that it illustrates the love between Christ and His Church. (Ephesians 5:15-33)
4. That the churches and church leaders have the responsibility to provide premarital preparation and ongoing support to married couples. (Matthew 28:18-20; Titus 2)
5. That the wedding ceremony should give glory to God and affirm the positive values of a Christian marriage as designed by God. ( Romans 15:5-6; Genesis 2:24)
Therefore, we agree to …
1. Urge unmarried people to reserve sexual intimacy for marriage. (1 Thessalonians 4:3-4)
2. Require couples who ask us to perform weddings to participate in premarital counseling. This will include the following:
3. Encourage attendance at marital enrichment opportunities such as retreats, classes and seminars.
4. Provide ministry to married couples throughout the marriage.
5. Seek to equip mature couples who will serve as mentors for couples who are engaged, newly married or struggling in their relationship.
6. Encourage each other as Christian leaders to promote, by teaching and example, a strong and godly approach to marriage.
7. Communicate and cooperate with other churches and organizations that share a common desire to establish and strengthen Christian marriage as designed by God.
Whether your marriage is struggling or you just want to grow closer to your spouse, we have resources to help. Call or email the church office if you wish to schedule marriage counseling. You can also click the link below to view the Marriage911 course material.
Chestnut Street Baptist Church
Chestnut Street Baptist Church, 609 N Chestnut Street, Ellensburg, WA 98926, US